a screech owl
a viper in Namibia
a praying mantis in Turkey
an anole
a soft coral crab
a moth
a bluespotted klipfish
a flatfish in Iceland
a stingray in Brazil
an arctic fox in Canada
a caterpillar blending in with a tree
a viper
elephants in India
a pygmy seahorse
a frog
a caterpillar
a parrot fish
a cicada
an elephant
an anemone shrimp
a leafy sea dragon
a sole
a grasshopper
a great gray owl
a bobcat
a chameleon
a crocodile
a cheetah
an eagle owl
a chameleon
an arctic fox
a turaco bird
a yellow spotted beetle
an alligator
a candy crab
a screech owl
a katydid
a yellow bird
a seadragon
a white mountain hare
a crab
a stingray
a lizard
a spider on a tree trunk
a flying gecko
a leafy seadragon
mossy tree frogs in Vietnam
a butterfly
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Eastern Screech Owl. Okefenokee Swamp, Georgia
Photograph by Graham McGeorge, National Geographic Your Shot

Can you Spot The Animals Hidden in These Photos?

From leafy seadragons hidden among coral to vipers submerged in sand, see all the ways animals conceal themselves in nature.

BySarah Gibbens
August 10, 2017

While some animals defend themselves with sharp claw and powerful bites, others prefer a subtler approach to self-preservation.

Animals all around the world in diverse environments use the visual technique of camouflage. Animals such as bobcats conceal themselves in tall grass; the white fur of the arctic fox renders it virtually invisible against a snow-covered backdrop. Chameleons, perhaps nature’s most famous masters of disguise, can change the color of their skin, in part to match their surroundings. (Find out what happens when chameleons look in a mirror.)

Many animals also use mimicry, a form of camouflage that entails acting like another object or organism. Few animals are more talented mimics than walking sticks, which have disguised themselves as twigs and leaves for the past 126 million years.

The walking sticks’ longtime disguises are a matter of survival. One study published in 2014 suggested that, with the arrival of the first birds and mammals, insects quickly began to mimic plants as a form of survival. (Read more about the study.)

Camouflage is also effective for more than avoiding the hungry eyes of predators. Some predators such as vipers and bobcats blend into their surroundings, allowing them to more effectively sneak up on their prey.

Look through the photos above to see if these animals' disguises fool you.


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